神话与. 事实-作为成年人回到大学 非正统是新传统.
神话与. 事实-作为成年人回到大学

The “traditional” college student of years past has evolved. No longer a bright-eyed 18-year-old fresh out of high school, most students these days are fully grown adults. 作为成年人回到大学 has become more commonplace than you may realize. 事实上,有很多关于成年人重返大学的误解需要揭穿. 让我们来比较一下关于成年大学生的神话和事实.

Myth #1: It's 太 late to go back to college.

事实: It is never 太 late to go back to college. 为了说明这一点,以前者为例 成人大学生安迪·维特:

安迪厌倦了管理餐馆. He wanted to build a future for himself and spend more time with his family. He enrolled in 十大正规网堵平台’s 网络安全 bachelor’s degree program, picking up multiple industry certifications along the way.

作为一名成年大学生,他经历了如此美好的经历,以至于毕业后不久他就回来了,并获得了硕士学位,以补充他的学士学位. He found work as a security analyst using his college education. Now Andy only visits restaurants as a guest, with his family.

What did Andy have to say about his time as an adult college learner?

“我们被教导的过程, 软技能帮助我建立人际关系,并以专业的方式展示自己, so that I could stand out above the crowd. 我的导师给我带来的现实世界的经验是如此的相关,我每天都在把它们应用到我现在的角色中,从中找到价值. 十大正规平台 really was the best decision I ever made.”

Hands-On Education Could Make a Difference

如果你被困在一份没有前途的工作中,梦想着一份有福利的偏远职位, 考虑学学安迪吧. 对于想要摆脱没有出路的工作和发展新技能的成年学习者来说,实践教育可能会产生影响.


事实: Strong time management skills could help you find the time—just ask 凯利小:

Kelly promised her dying grandmother that she would go back to college, 她决定遵守她的诺言. She enrolled in a nursing program at 十大正规网堵平台, where the flexible options fit her unique schedule: up at 4am, 工作到下午2点, 下午5:30上课, 午夜上床睡觉.

凯莉坚持她的梦想, 在毕业前展现出难以置信的自律和时间管理能力.

What did Kelly have to say about her time as an adult nursing student?

“十大正规网堵平台 is the perfect fit for me. 这个时间表与我的生活方式相匹配,我的教练总是愿意帮助我保持在我需要做的事情上.”

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Accelerated Degree 十大正规平台 for Adult College 学生

平衡工作、家庭和学校的许多责任似乎令人望而生畏. 但这是可能的,通过谨慎 时间管理和自律. An 速成学位课程 可能是最适合你的,让你比传统学校更快毕业.


  • 日历应用程序: 您可以创建任务或提醒, 附加文件或链接, 把它们分配给自己或他人, 并在你完成的时候标记它们. 一个协作式数字日历应用程序可以帮助你跟踪你的义务, and help you keep friends and family in the loop.
  • 笔记应用程序: 无论你走到哪里,只要有wi-fi,数字笔记本都能确保你的笔记随身携带. 数字笔记的另一个好处是,你可以搜索关键词或概念!
  • 时间跟踪应用程序: 为任务设定限制,或者简单地记录每个任务需要多长时间来学习你的习惯. This can help with task completion and establishing new study habits.
    • Toggl (免费 & 付费版本)
    • 收获 (免费试用 & 支付)
  • 时间管理应用程序: Keep track of everything you need to do, all in one spot.
  • 十大正规平台管理应用程序: 轻松组织您的十大正规平台, 作业, and tasks with these visual project management interfaces.
    • Trello (免费 & 付费版本)
    • 米罗 (免费 & 付费版本) 


事实: 奖学金十大正规平台, 学费援助, and 雇主合作计划s could help fund your education. 考虑 杰西卡·安东尼的旅程:

杰西卡是两个孩子的单亲妈妈. 她希望自己的孩子能过上更好的生活,于是她申请了联合劝募会(United Way)的奖学金十大正规平台,该十大正规平台旨在为那些有献身精神的非传统女学生提供奖学金. She was selected and received $8K in scholarship funding. 她报名参加了机电一体化和先进制造课程,并开始改变她的未来.




如果你心中有一所大学,联系他们询问学费援助或奖学金十大正规平台. 如果你有军事经验,你就有资格参加各种援助十大正规平台. 问一问总无伤大雅!

一些大学和工作场所合作为员工提供教育福利. This is considered a win-win-win—the company upskills their workforce, 这所大学招收一名学生, 和你, 员工, gain a degree at a significantly reduced cost.

Ask your employer whether your company partners with any colleges, 大学, 或者贸易学校为员工提供教育福利(有时, 他们的家庭, ).

Myth #4: I won't fit in with younger students.

事实: 非传统学生是新常态. There are also colleges geared specifically towards 成人学习者,如十大正规网堵平台. 不要只相信我们的话:

他丈夫死后 莱斯利 感到迷茫,想要一个新的开始. 他已经50多岁了,但当他进入十大正规网堵平台时,他感到很惊讶. Not only were most of the students closer to his age than expected, 但他们更富有同情心, 太. 教职员工也加紧了行动, 提供他失去伴侣后一直缺少的社区归属感. 莱斯利 graduated to a position in healthcare—just the fresh start he needed.


“我的学术顾问和十大正规平台主任给了我很多支持,帮助我度过了一些艰难的时期. My professors really 太k an interest in helping me succeed. They could tell that I was really weighed down emotionally. 十大正规平台改变了我个人的生活.”

大学社区 & 面向成人学习者的教育

It’s natural to worry you won’t fit in a new environment, particularly if you have suffered some great hardships. 要知道,许多人在大学里找到的不仅仅是教育,他们还找到了社区. By starting a new adventure and opening yourself up to new opportunities, 你可以开始痊愈,再次成长.

现在许多学院和大学都是面向成人学习者的, emphasizing hands-on education over classroom theory. 这种教育方法对那些想要转换专业,并在简历上写一些实际经验的人来说是有效的.

Myth #5: I won't be able to keep up with the coursework.

事实: Keeping up with coursework may be challenging, but it is possible. 商学院毕业生杰里米·格雷戈里 是证明:

Jeremy’s mother was told that her newborn would not live past age five. 在接下来的五年里,小杰里米经历了八次手术,克服重重困难,活了下来. Growing up, he dealt with headaches, seizures, and meningitis. 等他长大了, 他上了大学,在那里发现他的脑干上长了一个肿瘤.

杰里米别无选择,只能接受额外的手术,这导致了术后并发症. 他的老师来医院看望他,发现他正在做作业. 令人难以置信的, 杰里米从来没有缺课过, managing to schedule every doctor’s appointment around his school schedule. 他生存和成功的决心证明了没有什么是不可能的.

What does Jeremy have to say about his fight to live and learn?

“Dr. Scales [my instructor] came to visit me in the hospital. 她告诉我不要担心我的功课或出勤,只要专注于治疗. 我告诉她,如果我星期天出院,我星期一就会来上课.”


大学对成年人来说是不同的——对于初学者来说,生活更有可能干扰他们! Many students consider dropping out during difficult life events, but often are able to scale back their studies instead. 对于那些愿意坚持并完成学业的人来说,有许多方法和资源.

写作辅助中心, 数学辅助中心, 按需辅导可以成为救星, and are offered by some colleges and 大学 at no extra cost. 探索你正在考虑的任何一所大学的学生可用的资源.


回到 college as an adult may be challenging, but it is possible. 考虑晚上大学的成年人可能比他们的同龄人有相当大的优势——更多的生活经验. Your academic studies will complement the knowledge, 智慧, and experience you’ve gained in your years of adulthood.

When you’re ready to change your life through education, 考虑十大正规网堵平台. We are geared towards adult learners, and emphasize learning by doing. 灵活的工作时间, 在线的选择, 学费援助, 雇主合作计划, and no-cost resources are all designed with students like you in mind. Get in touch today to change your tomorrow. 你还在等什么? 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定!

Learn more about 十大正规网堵平台's College of 技术 TODAY!

DISCLAIMER - 十大正规网堵平台 makes no claim, 保修, or guarantee as to actual employability or earning potential to current, past or future students or graduates of any educational program we offer. The 十大正规网堵平台 website is published for informational purposes only. 我们尽一切努力确保十大正规平台所载资料的准确性.edu domain; however, no 保修 of accuracy is made. 任何明示或暗示的合同权利均不因其内容而产生.